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Par Le 05/11/2015

Nouvelles fonctionnalités : Janvier 2019 

Streamlining WordMerge For Big Databases (and Other Tricks)
WordMerging in databases with an exceedingly large number of fields can have unintended consequences. Problems that might not be immediately apparent but might very well come back to bite. Fortunately, an easy tweak or two in the WordMerge program can protect against merge failures and dramatically improve overall mail-merge performance.

Exporting By Checkbox
A company needed a custom export solution ― a gizmo in the INVOICES database that lets them browse their recent invoices and selectively mark them for export for periodic mail-outs. The routine prevents the same Bill-To company from winding up more than once in the export file. Results automatically come up in Excel.

Customizing the WordMerge Docs List 
Documents can be excluded from the WordMerge Select Folder or Document picklist without having to remove them from the usual default C:\Sesame2\ Docs WordMerge docs folder. Or, the opposite — only the specified docs can be allowed to show on the picklist. All it takes is a little string array magic and knowing where in the WordMerge program to work it.

Tracking Groups of Related Dates
A company needed to track four critical dates. Not their own dates. Their vendors’ dates. The approach here can prove useful when (1) there are multiple date fields in a record related to one another in some way, (2) the dates require periodic updating, and (3) an easy way is needed to find records where one or more of the dates is approaching or has passed.

Hassle-Free Price Hiking
A company selling high-volume small-ticket products to the trade was looking for a way to simplify its price updating process. Prices on several hundred products needed to be upped a bit at year end. With 8 quantity pricing tiers per product, it promised to be an agonizing and error-prone exercise. In Q&A they had no choice but to do in manually. in Sesame, they were looking for some magic.

Exporting Potential Dups to Excel
Check out this handy click-'n'-go routine that scans a 50,000-record database for potential duplicate records (based on your custom criteria) and shows the results in Excel in under 20 seconds.
